This is the
second post about the Russian heat wave. The subject for this post is another
study about the Russian heat wave but this study argues that contrary to the
study done by Dole et al that humans did had influence on 2010 Russian heat
wave. But there is a big contrast between the two studies. Were Dole et al
relied on climate models and observations takes this study a very different
approach. The study done by Stefan Rahmstorf and Dim Coumou uses a quantitative
approach, they have a mathematical approach. They do all sorts of calculations
with temperature data, more precisely they use analytical solutions and Monte
Carlo simulations. If you don’t know what Monte Carlo simulations are than is Here a short explanation, given by the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Before
I start summarising and discussing about this article I just want to emphasize
how much the approaches used by both studies differ from each other. If you can
remember all graphs and maps with airflows from the last the study about the Russian heat wave
and contrast those graphs and maps with this:
I won’t give all the details about the meaning of all the letters and numbers, just contrast this with the last study of the Russian heat wave. This was one of their main tools to find about how much chance there was that warming caused a heat wave. But this formula was not of course the only formula they used. See the methods in the article for an explanation of all the math used in this article. The calculations they used are based on observed temperatures. The basis for the formula above was a Gaussian probability density function. If you want don’t know what means Here is an introduction from Columbia University, but Gaussian processes are often used in modelling things such as temperature over time. The authors of this article see weather with a changing number of extreme weather events as non-linear.
All this they applied on the Russian
July mean temperatures at Moscow weather stations. The data results gave a
The linear trend over the last 100
years is 1.8 degree Celsius warmer with an inter annual variability of 1.7
degree Celsius. The ratio is 0,011 heat waves due to warming per year which brings the total per decade on 0,29.
This is much higher than the 0,105 in a stationary, non-warming climate. This
makes the chance that a heat wave is caused by warming 64%(0.29 − 0.105 ∕0.29) in the last decade in a linear climate. When
using the more realistic non-linear warming trend, weather is never linear the expected number of records is 0,85 which
means that in the last decade it was an 88% probability (0.85 − 0.105∕0.85)
that a heat wave was caused by warming in the last decade in Moscow. They say explicitly
warming instead of a phrase like ‘’Human caused warming’’ because maths can’t
say anything about the physics behind an extreme event. As you can see there is large rise in the last
decade, especially in the year 2010. This influences the results significant,
so the author decide to use instead the data between 1910-2009. The result is
much lower when 2010 is excluded. The expected number of heat waves is reduced
to 0,47 but this still implies that 78% 0.47 − 0.105∕ 0.47 of the heat waves
from the last decade are caused by warming climate.
Prior to the 80’s there were much
less heat waves in Moscow but from the 80’s onwards the numbers of heat waves
started to rise again. The authors of this article say contrary to the last
study about the Russian heat wave that the chances of warming having an influence are almost 80% based
on tests with Monte Carlo simulations and statistical analyses about mean July
temperatures in Moscow. But this only started to develop after the 80’s. The
authors do some further tests to examine the effect of the urban heat island
but this is only very limited. Because the authors use math to determine the
chances they can’t say anything about the physics behind the warming but based
on other studies and publications by the IPCC they argue that the chance of
humans causing this warming is very high.
The major downside to this approach
is that you don’t what is causing the trend that you are investigating. All the
calculations say that the number of heat waves in the Moscow area are growing
but they can’t explain why they are growing. Math does not say anything about
the physics that create a trend of a growing number of heat waves. The authors
say that the recent rise in heat wave to large is to be explained by only
natural causes but it remains a miss that the authors can’t say anything about
the forces that produce the recent rise. Secondly the author leave the year
2010 but that exactly the event were the whole study from Dole et al was about.
The authors of this study, Rahmstorf and Coumou argue that there Is still
almost 80% chance that the 2010 heat wave happened due to warming and more
specific man made warming but that means that there is still more than 20%
chance that something else caused the heat wave such as atmospheric blocking
were Dole et al talks about. Thirdly Rahmstorf and Coumou only examine the
Moscow area were Dole et al examines whole Western Russia. These differences in
scale could also result in different outcomes.
Both the studies use very different
approaches and were Rahmstorf and Coumou focus on almost a 100 years of heat waves around Moscow Dole et al
focus only on the year 2010. One studies uses a more qualitative approach and
the other a quantitative approach. I think that Rahmstorf and Coumou are right
on the longer run but I’m not so sure about the specific case of the 2010 heat
wave although 80% chance is very high. But they don’t counter the argument of atmospheric blocking at all. And that is such
an event that could occur due to the remaining 20%.
Rahmstorf, Coumou ( 2011) Increase
of extreme events in a warming world. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences, vol. 108, issue 44, pp. 17905-17909 Here
Dole et al (2011) Was there a basis
for anticipating the 2010 Russian heat wave.
Geophysical Research Letters VOL. 38, Here
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